The Christmas Spider

How to Make a Christmas Spider
WARNING: This is not a toy. Due to small pieces and colorful patterns, this spider may be harmful in the hands of smallchildren.
Styrofoam balls in two sizes, 5-inch and 3-inch circumferences
Glitter, in various colors
Plastic sandwich bags
Chenille Pipe Cleaners in various colors
Small red pom-poms
Small beads (gold or pearl work well)
Number 8 small pins
Tooth picks
White Craft Glue
Plastic bags
Wax paper
This craft is ideal for all ages, requiring minimum skills and minimum supervision.
On a sheet of wax paper, place a spot of glue, roughly the size of a quarter. Roll one large and one small Styrofoam ball in the glue to coat each ball.
Place the balls inside a plastic bag which has been filled with enough glitter to cover the balls. Gently toss the balls in the glitter. Remove them from the bag and roll on the wax paper to secure the glitter. Let dry for a minute or two.
As the balls are drying, select matching colored chenille pipe cleaners and cut into three-inch pieces. When the balls are dry enough to handle, dip an end of the chenille segment into the glue and gently press into the large ball, four on one side, four on the other creating the body and legs. Gently take a leg and bend it up, then down, and a tiny end out. Repeat on each leg forming legs and feet to stand on.
Next, take the smaller ball and insert a ½ -inch piece of tooth pick that is covered in glue. Then, carefully insert the remaining end into the spider body between the two sets of legs.
Almost done! Place a small dab of glue on the front of the head and gently push a small
pom-pom on for a nose.
Finally, slip a small bead onto a small pin and insert it into the head just above the nose to the right; then repeat and insert the pin above the nose to the left to create two twinkling eyes.
You now have a perfect Christmas Spider!